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Dreams Do Come True Page 7
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Page 7
Shontell wondered what the sound was on her phone and why Sandy had such a crazy look on her face. She took the phone from her. She sipped her wine and then opened the message. Nico greeted her immediately. He was serenading her. She was floored. How was she going to handle this?
“Oh my, what have I gotten myself into?” She was fanning herself as she said it out loud.
“I am at a loss for words, but all I can say is tread slowly,” her best friend replied. She shook her head, agreeing with her. They finished their lunch and decided on some evening plans. They were laughing and enjoying themselves when the doorbell rang. Sandy got up to answer since she was the closest. While they were talking, Shontell couldn’t help but think about Nico and the last two days. She had been contemplating if she should send a response to his video message but opted not to. Nico really made her feel things she had not felt in a long time. She decided to write back her thoughts instead, which was one of her favorite pastimes. She finished just as Sandy called her to the door.
Nico stepped out the shower with steam surrounding him. As he was drying off, his phone went off. He walked over to his nightstand, where he had left his phone charging, and hit the screen. Shontell’s name popped up. He grabbed his musk oil and poured it into his hand as he began reading the text:
Thank you for the beautiful message. You are so amazing and any woman would be lucky to even have a deep conversation with you, and yet you want me. I am still in awe. I just wanted to let you in on a little secret. I’m nervous, but I am ready for the journey, even with our disruption. I absolutely can’t wait to see you… but for now I will have to settle for hearing your voice. By the way, I hope you’re enjoying Indiana. Just in case we don’t talk, have a good show tonight.
Nico finished with his oils. He laid back on his bed and closed his eyes. All he saw was Shontell’s smile, and he wished she was lying next to him. He got up after he lay there a few minutes more, and picked up his pen and paper. He always kept them near his bed. He had finished three new songs within two hours. He looked at his clock, and it was an hour before rehearsal. He was just about to call Shontell when his phone beeped. The good mood changed as he looked at the message from Tina. He deleted it without even reading it. He decided to close his eyes. He couldn’t call Shontell now in this mind frame.
Shontell went to where Sandy was and was greeted by the most beautiful arrangement of purple roses, lilies, and orchids. Her eyes instantly began to tear up. How did he know? She finally noticed the delivery guy still standing there and went to get her purse for a tip. Once he left, all she could do was admire the flowers. Her whole kitchen immediately was filled with their scent. She looked for a card and began reading it quickly. The whole time, Sandy just stood there and watched her reaction. She tried not to react, but that was too hard for her. Her face flushed, and she exhaled loudly. She picked up the phone and started to dial. She quickly ended the call. Her hands were sweating. This was so unreal. There was that feeling again. She felt like a young girl again, not a thirty-nine-year-old woman.
“What should I say to him?” she asked Sandy while she paced her kitchen floor, barefooted. She kept moving her toes upward as she walked, which was another one of her nervous habits.
“How about…thank you. That would be a good start. I am impressed though. He does know how to court a woman.” She went to get some water for her vase.
“Ha, ha. You’re funny. But yes, I guess you are right. Courting seems to be a foreign word to men these days.”
“Yes, it does,” Sandy said as she played with the arrangement.
“Okay, I can do this. I don’t know what is wrong with me,” Shontell said, fidgeting.
“I do, but I will keep my comments to myself. Now call him!” Sandy handed her back her phone. Shontell took the phone hesitantly. She flipped it over in her hands a couple of times. She was being silly because he was no different than any other man. She dialed the numbers and waited for him to answer. He answered on the third ring. She could tell she woke him up.
“Good afternoon. I’m sorry. You sound like you were sleeping, and I didn’t mean to wake you up. I just wanted to say thank you. The flowers are so beautiful,” she told him. She could hear him moving around. He was probably trying to sit up. She waited until he finished and spoke.
“Good afternoon to you as well. It’s okay. I didn’t realize that I fell asleep. I had just lain down and closed my eyes, I thought. But enough about that…I would have given anything to see that smile I am hearing in your voice.”
“Wow, is all I can say about you. You got me feeling some type of way,” she admitted.
“I know the feeling…I know the feeling,” he told her.
“Well, at least I am not alone. What time is rehearsal?” She twirled her hair and swung her legs on the barstool she was sitting on.
“In about thirty minutes. I think I need to grab some food beforehand, though. I haven’t eaten since I left you this morning.”
“Ohhh, that’s not good. Sandy and I have been eating since noon,” she said, as she arranged the cheese that was on her plate. She poured wine into her glass and then into Sandy’s glass. She handed it to her as Sandy looked over a magazine.
“Really? I was a little upset on the ride so I didn’t have too much of an appetite, but now I am starving.”
“Nico, don’t let her have that power over you. You said she wouldn’t be an issue…so don’t allow her to be,” Shontell scolded him lightly. She was surprised at her words because she herself felt the same way earlier as she was driving home. She had to hang on to some hope. Nico didn’t reply. “Nico, you still there?”
“”Yes. Yes, I am sorry. I will work on that, I promise. I do have some good news. After I read your message, I was motivated to write. We are starting to work on the new album, so I got an early start…thanks to my new muse. I am glad you liked the flowers. My original intent was to call you before we got to the radio station. After that, we have a sound check for the concert tonight. It’s officially time for the countdown to begin. Only five days until I see you again,” he told her.
She rocked on her heels as she smiled into the phone. They talked for about another fifteen minutes, until he said his stomach was screaming at him. He needed to go find food, so they ended their call. It was decided that she and Sandy would go down for the cruise a day earlier than planned, and she and Nico would do dinner the night before the cruise.
Shontell asked Sandy to ride down to her office with her. They planned to hit the mall after her staff meeting. When she reached the office, Shontell took notice immediately that Ebony hadn’t arrived. They had talked about her being on time. Looking at the clock, she started the meeting without her because of her other plans. During the meeting, Shontell came up with an idea; she knew Sandy would go along if she asked. Now she was ready to get out the office. Shontell had just finished giving out the assignments and introducing her new two new hires to the staff when Ebony walked in. She ended the meeting. She was more than thirty minutes late. Shontell didn’t want to ball her out in front of the staff. It wasn’t her style. She waited until everyone had left the building before she spoke to Ebony. She could tell Ebony was hoping she wouldn’t say anything, because she was messing with some paperwork and avoiding her. Sandy took notice and told her she would wait in the car.
“So, what’s up, Ebony? I thought I stressed to you that I needed you here for the meeting. Does this new boyfriend of yours have anything to do with this?” she wanted to know. The mention of the boyfriend caused Ebony to tense. She looked wide-eyed at her.
“Look, I am sorry about being late. I would have texted you, but I couldn’t find my phone. That’s one of the reasons I was late.”
“And what was the other?”
“What?” Ebony appeared perplexed that she asked her that. “I just lost track of time. I apologize…dang…get off my back,” Ebony stated.
“Is that really
the stance you’re going to take with me? I know that this company doesn’t mean shit to you. For me, it has my blood, sweat, and tears for the last ten years. So, if you really don’t want to be here, please do us both a favor.”
“Hmph, isn’t that ironic? Isn’t that what I was doing for you two years ago? I did you a favor and saved this place,” she retorted back to her, waving her hand around the office. Shontell wanted to smack the smug look off her face. She had her twisted if she thought she was going to do whatever she wanted because she loaned her some money. She was glad she had been planning her next move. She would wait this out. She laughed to herself, and it seemed to make Ebony react.
“What’s so funny?” She folded her arms and pouted, trying to understand her partner’s change in mood.
“You are. I am going to give you your little rant here, because you are on the defensive when you are the one who is wrong. But, let me say this…and, trust me, I won’t repeat it…if your passion isn’t in PTE, don’t fake it…just walk away.” She picked up her purse and headed out to her car. She was fuming. What she was thinking, letting this woman help her! All she did was spend what she made. She didn’t bring in new clients. She sure played favorites to her so-called friends. Ebony was a socialite. She prided herself on being in public and being seen. It didn’t matter, because she still didn’t have class. There was no amount of money that could ever afford her that. Shontell got in the car. She hit the steering wheel. Her reaction made Sandy jump. “Sorry. That, that…woman or girl, should I say, has pushed my buttons!”
“Yes, so I see. How long are you going to keep this up? Don’t you have the money to buy her out?”
“Yes, I do. I could have done it today, but I haven’t started interviewing for a manager. After this cruise, things definitely will be changing. Okay, so anyway, I was brainstorming during the meeting. I know we were supposed to hit the mall, but I have an idea.”
“Which is?”
“Are you up for a spontaneous road trip?”
“I’m always game to do something. What do you have in mind?”
“Hmmm, maybe taking in a concert?” she said, smiling. All the while, she was dialing a number in her phone. Shontell called Martin as they headed out of the parking lot. She asked him if the concert was sold out. He told her it was. She thought her idea was going to go sour as she waited on Martin to come back onto the phone. She almost screamed when he told her he would have tickets waiting for them, as well as backstage passes. She asked him to keep it a surprise, and he agreed. He knew Nico would be ecstatic, considering what had happened earlier when they got to the hotel.
Shontell and Sandy said their goodbyes as Shontell dropped her off at home. She would be back by her house to get her friend in an hour. She waved to Monica, her daughter, as she sped off. They needed to be on the road fast in order to make it to the concert on time. It was only 2:00 p.m., but they still had a four-hour drive ahead of them. The concert started at 8 p.m.
After they ended their call, Nico headed to their hospitality suite to grab some food. Dennis was sitting at the bar talking on his cell. He wasn’t in the mood to deal with Dennis. He decided to go straight to the food table. He sat at a table in the corner, and he said his grace. He started eating, but was interrupted by Dennis half way through.
“What’s up, Nico? You’ve been quiet since we left Detroit,” Dennis said as he grabbed his own plate of food.
“You seem to notice a lot about me lately. You might do better to worry about yourself.”
“What’s that supposed to mean? I know you’re still not mad about what happened with our little tiff?” Nico took a deep breath before he responded. He saw Martin heading in their direction out of the corner of his eye.
“Gentlemen, the car is waiting. I was looking for you both. Let’s go,” Martin informed them. Martin observed both Nico and Dennis, and decided he needed to keep them separate. Mostly he needed to keep them civil until he could get Dennis alone. Both men followed him in silence. Nico finished his drink and threw the paper cup into a trash can as they walked. He knew Dennis was watching, and he ignored him on purpose.
Somehow the atmosphere in the car was normal, and the group talked all the way to the rehearsal. Nico told the group about the songs he had completed, and shared the concept with them. Dennis gave him a look, and Nico laughed. He wasn’t going to give him the power, especially when he remembered Shontell’s words. John saw the look that passed between the two and decided to be the one to lighten the mood, as usual. He changed the subject by asking David about one of Felecia’s friends she was bringing to the concert. They finished their rehearsal and arrived for the concert. Nico was preparing himself to perform, but he took out his cell and sent a message before it was time to hit the stage. He could feel the adrenaline hitting his body the way it always did when they performed. He knew that whatever the tension was between him and Dennis wouldn’t show on stage. That was a pact they always stood by. He was trying to honor what Martin had asked of him. He wanted to shake some answers out of him. He wondered if Dennis was willing to lose their friendship over Shontell. But was the real reason a woman, or the fact that they were getting older and wanted something more than what they currently had? They had been through a lot more than most people would have ever known about. David and Nico met in seventh grade, and then they started hanging out with John in their junior year of high school after hearing him sing on a dare. He had a crazy range. They recruited him, and the rest was history. He snapped out of his thoughts as he could hear the screaming fans outside his room door. His door was opened, and one of the assistants informed him it was time to hit the stage. Nico and his brothers all stood still. He then looked at each of them and the other family and friends they had standing backstage. They had a lot to be thankful for. The guys finished their prayer right as they heard the opening music start. They were on song three when he thought he saw Shontell in the audience. He thought that he was seeing things because he knew that she could not be there. He really had her too much on the brain. He turned back around and looked in that same direction, but he didn’t see her again. Yeah, he had been seeing things. He sat on the stool as the group was about to sing the final song.
Shontell picked up her cell phone and read Nico’s message out loud. Hey beautiful, just letting you know I was thinking about you. Getting ready to hit the stage.
She typed a reply to him. She and Sandy laughed because she couldn’t wait to see his face. They made it to their seats right as the group hit the stage. She hoped that he wouldn’t notice her in the crowd. When they were singing her favorite song, he looked dead at her. She wanted to wave but didn’t. She wondered if he had seen her. She couldn’t tell with his glasses on and the lights shining on him. When he stepped to the back of the stage area for a drink, Martin got her attention. He signaled for her and Sandy to come to where he was. He said that they could watch the rest of the concert with him.
While she was backstage, Martin introduced her to David’s wife Felecia. There were others back there that she briefly spoke to, whom she assumed they knew from back in the city. She had a clear view of the performance from where she was sitting. She was so excited, like she was every time she watched them in concert. It was always fun. The energy they brought to the stage was phenomenal. They gave the fans what they wanted. They were clearly great entertainers. When they were on the last song, Martin took her by the hand and down to Nico’s dressing room. Sandy wanted to watch the end. She decided to stay with Felecia, whom she had instantly liked.
Shontell was nervous, but she sat completely still in a chair off to the side. She wanted him to be surprised, so she made sure he wouldn’t be able to see her when he walked in. She could hear them saying goodnight to the crowd. Then the hallway became noisy as the guys were speaking loudly. She heard someone at the door. Nico walked in. He headed straight to his cell phone. That action alone impressed her. He really did like her. Sh
e watched him read her reply. Shontell paid attention to his body language. She always thought it showed a lot about a person’s true emotions. She sometimes thought that if she would have paid more attention to Jesse, she never would have gotten hurt. He was now water under the bridge, as far as she was concerned. She continued to watch Nico and heard him say, “Wow,” as he shook his head. He ran his hand over his head and smiled. Nico looked up towards the ceiling and spoke aloud, “Thank you. I think we got it right this time.” Shontell was so touched by his words that she instantly became emotional and had to keep from making a sound. She quickly got herself together. She stood, but stayed hidden. He began undressing, taking off his soaked shirt. She hesitated as she watched him wipe off with a towel. She was still overwhelmed by what she witnessed. He grabbed some cologne, and she saw her moment. She quietly walked up behind him and placed her hands over his eyes. He almost dropped the bottle.
“Guess who?” she whispered. Nico could smell the coconut and berries, and he knew it was her. He grabbed her hands and brought her around to him.
“I knew it. I knew I saw you in the audience,” he said as he leaned in and kissed her deeply. They kissed until someone opened his door and said his name.
“Nico, are you ready?” Dennis asked him. He noticed Shontell standing there with him. His facial expression clearly showed his surprise and disappointment at her being with him. Shontell wondered what she did to him for his actions to be the way they were. He tried to cover it up, but it was too late. They both saw it.
“Oh, I’m sorry, Shontell. When did you get here?” he asked her.
Before she could answer, Nico spoke. “Can you guys give me ten minutes, please?” Shontell took notice that Nico never let her go the entire time. It was his way of letting him know she was around to stay. She felt overwhelmed with emotions again.